
鶹Ƶ Offers Education Series on How to Meet National Oil Spill Planning Deadline

If you have oil on your jobsite, or at your asphalt plant, be aware of the Nov. 10, 2011, deadline to comply with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) oil spill planning rule. The federal Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) program applies to the owner and operator of any construction site that has the “capacity” to store more than 1,320 gallons of any type of oil product in above ground storage tanks/containers. 鶹Ƶ recently published a three-part series intended to help 鶹Ƶ members determine if they need a federally-required oil spill plan – and, if they do, the series will help them develop one that meets EPA requirements.  Members of contributed to the series and shared best practices and tips that will benefit other construction professionals. of 鶹Ƶ’s series on SPCC compliance is intended to help 鶹Ƶ contractors determine if their construction sites need to comply with the federal SPCC rule. / of 鶹Ƶ’s series on SPCC compliance discusses when and how construction site owners/operators may use EPA’s SPCC Plan Template – which offers more streamlined and relaxed requirements for certain low-risk sites. of 鶹Ƶ’s series on SPCC compliance is a case study on how an 鶹Ƶ member firm meets SPCC compliance requirements. The main goal of the SPCC programis to prevent oil from entering surface waters or nearby shorelines of the United States. The rule applies in all 50 states and is administered and enforced by federal EPA in every state; however, states and localities also may have supplemental oil programs. Inspectors are looking for sheens on water, the ground, or pavement, oil storage containers without secondary containment or with improperly sized secondary containment, lack of alarm systems to notify personnel of spills, missing records and failure to train personnel. This rule also is in addition to any oil spill requirements required by your stormwater pollution prevention plan.  Also, many states and/or localities require registration and permitting of all above-ground storage tanks that contain oil – ON TOP OF federal SPCC requirements. Additional information is on EPA’s website at For more information, contact Leah Pilconis at or (703)837-5332.