
Hardhats for Highways: Seven Weeks until Current Extension Expires

Use the Fourth of July Recess to Meet with Your Congressmen In-Person 

With just seven weeks until the most-recent extension for highway & transit programs expires – on July 31 – the Fourth of July Congressional recess is the perfect opportunity for you to schedule an in-person meeting with your Senators and Representative.  Use this time to educate your members of Congress on the real impacts their inaction has had on your business and employees.  Spread the and tell them to fix the Highway Trust Fund and pass a long-term highway & transit bill.

Members of Congress will be in your home states June 29 – July 6. Use this opportunity to take a company hard hat with a , highlighting the number of employees in your company who are affected by Congress’ failure to find the money necessary to keep highway and transit programs running. If you would like assistance with scheduling meetings, please contact Brynn Huneke at

If you are unable to schedule in-person meetings, please  to your Congressmen and urge your colleagues and employees to do the same.

For more information, please contact Brynn Huneke at or (703) 837-5376.