
EPA To Hold Sept. 16 Webinar on Modeling Tool for Beneficial Use of Industrial Materials in Roadways and Structural Fill

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a new rule on the disposal of coal combustion residuals in Dec. 2014 and also identified necessary criteria for appropriate beneficial use of those materials.  An important criteria for “unencapsulated” uses, such as fill, is to evaluate potential contamination to ground water.  (See .)  EPA developed the Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) to help with these evaluations and will hold a webinar on Sept. 16, 2015, to demonstrate how to use the tool.

The IWEM helps evaluate impacts on groundwater from industrial waste management practices and the beneficial use of industrial materials.  EPA recently updated the model (v3.1) to expand its scope and usability, helping users evaluate the environmental appropriateness of beneficially using industrial materials in roadways and structural fills.  The Sept. 16 webinar will demonstrate how to use the IWEM v3.1 model to evaluate potential impacts to ground water in structural fill and roadway applications.  The webinar will also provide helpful tips and Q&A on IWEM v3.1 in general.

Date: Wed, Sep 16, 2015
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Webinar Speaker: Taetaye Shimeles, Environmental Engineer, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (ORCR), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Registration Link:

For more information on this webinar, please contact EPA directly, either Rita Chow at (703) 308-6158 ( or Chris Carusiello at (703) 308-8757 (