
New EPA Construction Stormwater Resources in Spanish

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently published new resources in Spanish to help construction site operators comply with EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) .

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Templates
The existing SWPPP template is available here: - Helps construction site operators develop a SWPPP that is compliant with the minimum requirements of EPA's 2017 Construction General Permit (CGP).
New! En español: - Ayuda a los operadores de proyectos de construcción a desarrollar un PPCAP que cumpla con los requisitos mínimos del Permiso General de Construcción 2017 de la EPA.

Puerto Rico Construction Best Management Practices (BMP) Fact Sheets // Hoja Informativa sobre Mejores Prácticas de Gestión (MPG) de Construcción en Puerto Rico
Provides information in Spanish on construction BMPs focused on protecting threatened and endangered species and critical habitat in Puerto Rico. // Provee información en español sobre mejores prácticas de gestión de construcción con enfoque en la protección de especies amenazadas y en peligro de extinción y hábitats críticos en Puerto Rico.

(Note: these fact sheets are only posted in Spanish).

EPA’s SWPPP resources help operators develop effective stormwater plans that are required under construction stormwater permits. Note that construction site SWPPPs must follow the requirements of the applicable state or EPA CGP, and it must describe the specific conditions of the site and plans for development.  to see the areas of the country where EPA is responsible for issuing NPDES stormwater permits.

Links to these resources are also available on EPA's construction stormwater .